PMU B2B Sales Within EU

Ombre Beauty BV is located in Belgium. Companies with a VAT number outside Belgium (within the EU). Have the option to purchase intra-community supplies VAT-free. The reverse charge mechanism applies to this, so you do not have to charge VAT.

It is important to mention that this scheme does not apply to companies that are registered as a small business in the Netherlands. It is the customer's responsibility to check whether they qualify for this VAT-free purchasing option.

Create an account on our website and enter your valid VAT number in your "cart". You can then immediately purchase VAT-free and receive an invoice with a VAT number. Your VAT number is automatically verified with VIES.

We remain at your disposal to answer any questions or provide further clarification.

Ombre Beauty BV

B2B Sales Within EU

Ombre Beauty BV is located in Belgium. Companies with a VAT number outside Belgium (within the EU) have the opportunity to make VAT-free intra-community purchases. The reverse charge mechanism applies, meaning you do not need to charge VAT.

It's important to note that this arrangement does not apply to companies registered as small enterprises that are not VAT obligated. It is the customer's responsibility to verify their eligibility for this VAT-free purchase option.

Create an account on our website and enter your valid VAT number in your shopping cart. You can then make VAT-free purchases immediately and receive an invoice with a VAT number. Your VAT number will be automatically verified through VIES.

We are at your disposal to answer any questions or provide further clarification.

Ombre Beauty BV

B2B Sales within the EU

Ombre Beauty BV has a seat in Belgium. They have access to the same environmental protection identification number as Belgians (inner part of the EU) have the ability to enjoy better internal security. Hereby screams the Reverse-Charge-Regelung, wodurch Sie keine Mehrwertsteuer berechnen müssen.

It is important to know that this is the rule for external affairs, that is not the case Mrs.St.-obligatory since. if Kleinunternehmen eingetragen sind, nicht gilt. It is important to know that your understanding of this matter has been taken into account and that you have been able to benefit from further support since.

You can find your own account on your website and use your current identification number in your warehouse. You can then use additional support and support to obtain a copy of your identification number. Your Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer is automatically verified over VIES.

We will take care of the processing and ask for answers about more clarity.

Ombre Beauty BV